How Healing Helped Me

Photo credit: PixabayI didn’t know healing can be found in all shapes and form. This experience awakened something in me and I felt it first-hand. I couldn’t believe I would receive extraordinary healing and I  felt blessed.

A few years back, I was found to have a big cyst on my right ovary. I had to undergo ovarian cystectomy (surgery to remove an ovarian cyst).  The team removed a cyst as big as a newborn’s head. It was a much-needed procedure because I was in so much pain and  was bleeding.

After few months, I had my regular check-up and ultra sound and  they were surprised  a big pseudo-cyst appeared as big as what was taken out!  I was referred to an oncologist but she said it was not cancerous but they were puzzled as to where this new cyst came from since in a span of few months, it grew to the size of the old one that took years to grow to that size.

I was given hormonal treatments by my physician as “alternative” since it wasn’t chemo.  I was told the treatment would just stop the growth. I asked, “Would it dissolve it in any way and make it disappear?” I  heard the  answer, “No, it would just stop the growth.”

I started  treatment and  asked FB friends,  FB followers  and healer friends to  help me  through this trying times.  I went to few Healing pages and asked for help. It was wonderful they replied and said they would help me.

My treatments started with 6 weeks interval. After my 4th round, I was asked to  go for ultrasound. As I was in the room having it, Sonologist asked me when I had my  last one, why I was there and the results physicians were expecting.  The Sonologist called for my physician to come down to take a look at the  screen. I got so scared… real scared  and kept praying everything would be alright!

When my physician arrived, they were asked to get my old file for comparison. She asked if they were sure  they were the right files and checked. The technician checked and confirmed they were the right files.

After a few minutes, my doc said, “Do you see that left side of the screen? That’s the one with that growth. You see this one on the right? That’s the one without it.”  I asked, “So what does that mean? Where’s today’s screen?”  She said, “For whatever reason, we can’t explain, your’s is at the right side. The one without!! It’s gone!! And to whatever you have been doing.. IT WORKED!!  IT”S GONE!!”

I was speechless. My physician was so happy too. She asked, “What did you do?” I replied, “Gratefulness, Appreciation,Prayers, Relaxation, I asked for help from Healing Practitioners and Allowed healing to happen. And I guess it worked!”

If it worked for me, it will work for you because Reiki energy is Universal and can serve everyone… including you.

If you want healing for physical, emotional and spiritual, you may click here and TRY my 15-minute Energy Healing session to help you heal and unblock negative energy. This session is a powerful way  of receiving healing energy in a short period of time. When you avail of this session you get another one for FREE.

Note: When you avail of this session, please include note: “Blog: How Healing Helped Me” so I know where you availed of the promo.