A Gift for You on My Birthday: Distance Reiki Healing


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It’s my birthday  and what better way to spend the day  than sharing love and healing to the others.  I was thinking what better way to launch my  Distance Reiki Healing service than share it today!!

I have experienced ups and downs and most downs I had I received healing from other Reiki Practitioners. It gave me this peace and serenity. It also helped me with my health before.

So I’m offering  FREE Distance Reiki Healing  today! You can sign-up for the next 24 to 30 hours. Allowing everyone to sign-up from different time zones.

I will channel Reiki energy on  February 25 11:00am EST.  For those who are busy,  it’s alright, Reiki would still go to you and address to where it is needed.  For those who can sit  and relax, you may do so.   As you sign-up and expect energy, say: “I am open to Reiki Healing to flow where it is needed for my highest good.”

BONUS GIFT! Download your FREE Appreciation-Gratitude Journal Sheet when you subscribe to my newsletter for more inspiration and updates.

To know more about Distance Reiki Healing, please click here.