What is Your Soul Singing?


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“If music is the language of your soul, what is your soul singing?” ~Josefina Navarro

Some of us keep saying I want to feel free and break the monotony of life.  But I ask you this, “What is your soul singing?”  What keeps you alive? What  pumps you up and make you happy?

We most often associate our life with a song.  We even become teary-eyed when a song brings  touching memories we cherish so much.  But really, we have to keep the past behind and move forward. They are just memories that would help us go on with our lives.

We feel trapped I know, I ‘ve been there.  I wanted to change but I didn’t know how. then suddenly, I felt I didn’t belong anymore in a group where I’ve been with for more than a decade. I need something more.

As I was treading my path to I don’t know where, I was awakened. Everything came back to me. Why was I so unhappy? I wanted my life to like when I was a child with my parent and siblings. Then it struck me, I’ve forgotten THAT life and let the  new culture run my life.

I had financial problems, I was sick and I was soooooo unhappy.  If I could add more “O’s” there I would.

I’ve put myself06-02-trust-badge-best-essay-check-200x2 in the backseat and let the new environment drive my life. Trying to keep myself afloat and struggling.  Always struggling. I was thinking how come when our parent were alive, even with & children, they were able to send us to good schools, colleges and universities.

I started my inspiration page  after I felt I was getting physically sick as a volunteer for a women’s organization. I remembered my mom telling us as kids,  negative things bring in  negative energy. So I  made posters just to make me feel better and for  women who feel down and  need inspiration to lift them up.

After sometime, things got better. Everything, came back to me. One by one, what our parents taught us surfaced back went back to myself. 

I started my blog and like I felt  something was keeping my soul on fire when I write or express myself through my posters. I started writing from the heart and soul.  I started expressing my soul from my soul’s point of view.

I didn’t know  that  our parents taught us  and brought us up with universal spiritual principles and practices. I thought I was different when I was growing up when everyone’s practices were based more on an organized religion. I didn’t know our parents brought us up “universally”. As I interact with intuitives  and spiritual people now I was told my parents were so ahead of their time.

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I cried. Now I understand. Who I am. My mom brought us up telling us about the significance of butterflies, angels, positive mindset, crystals, chimes, bells and many more.  I understand now. I am not lost anymore. I finally found where I belong. I’m not weird. I’m not just a person who seriously talks about “wooo-woooo” stuff. 

As I studied, all these and even getting certifications for them, I was astounded how spot-on these principles were with our parents’ teachings. I didn’t understand before. I  was resistant.   Now I know. Now I get it.

I let the real world envelope me and even let it eat me alive. I  felt I was inside the pit of nothingness and darkness.  I stopped being positive and  became a negative magnet. Like what our mom said,  “Think positive, and positive comes back.”

Interacting with inspiring people, authors, Law of Attraction  and Reiki Practitioners,  Angel and Crystal healers, coaches, intuitives, empaths, mediums and  other spiritual  and heart-based  individuals awakened me.  

They brought me back to  how I was before. How our parents brought us up. their beliefs and practices, specially my Mom. I was reconnecting with my old self now.  I can taste, see and feel everything with my eyes closed.  I thought these amazing people were myths. Just from the books. I know what I describe sounds like an exaggeration, but seriously when you have the energy and you know it – you will feel the connection.

When I finally met them, I was star-struck! I saw sparkles  and radiant light around me even when I just chat with them online.  I can feel their energy from the screen.  I felt I am not alone anymore. I don’t need to fit in. For the first time in my life, I felt I belong.

Being with them didn’t change my mindset, all along everything is imprinted in my soul. Finding who I was and rediscovering myself changed my life.

My word of advice. Keep positive people in your life and positive will come out of it.  I don’t need  to deal  with negativity  and  doubting people in my life anymore. It’s proven and tested positive energy brings positive results.

In conclusion, you, too, can create the life you want! What is your soul singing? You can create beautiful things and be happy only when you allow things to happen. Surround yourself with positive people who will lift  you up.  When your spirit is lifted, your energy vibrations are lifted too, thus, you make more things happen in your life. 

I can create beautiful things in my life if I want to.  I can manifest things as long as I focus and keep my goal clear.  I am on my road to slowly releasing myself from the negative things that happened to me brought about my past life. I am realizing now what I want in life. I am healthy… I ‘ve recovered  … I am at peace and most of all  I am happy.   If I was able to do all these things from nothing… then so can you.