Nobody Can Live Your Life Except You


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Pocket-sized Inspiration:giersch-141509_640

We travel through this life on our own. We meet other people.  We become whatever we need to be  at a point in each other’s lives. A family member, friend, neighbor  and even co-worker.  We have to remember   that they  are just companions in our journey.

As we cross paths with them ,  we learn from them.  From what we learn, our ideas are created, our actions realized, thus, resulting to series of circumstances in our lives.  As we go through life,  we create our decisions.  We have to remember that  we are intelligent beings with created with free-will.

Our decisions, shape up our lives. We always have a choice to choose the right thing for us.  When something happens as not planned, who do we blame?  We cannot blame God all the time for what happens to us. We have to  own our decisions and  stop  looking  for a scapegoat.  We have to learn how to be  accountable and responsible for our lives.  Nobody can live your life except you.

I have gone through that route and mind you, it is not easy to get here. I am still in my journey but now, I know better. You are not alone.

May your journey be full of light and love. Trust the process. Always be positive. Faith generates great results.

Love and blessings, Josefina

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Women Sublime is listed  in The Wellness Universe under the categories of  Business Support Services,   Empowerment,   Inspiration and   Women.

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