Maundy Thursday Meditation

Holy Thursday
“Master, are you going to wash my feet?’

Maundy Thursday, also commonly called Holy Thursday is the before Easter. This marks Jesus Christ’s Last Supper prior to his betrayal, trial and crucifixion. This day observes the solemnity of two rituals portrayed in Biblical accounts – the Last Supper and the Washing of the Feet that’s often performed as part of Maundy Thursday church services.

The word “Maundy Thursday“ is derived from the Latin word mandatum meaning “commandment.” Jesus’ primary commandment  is found in this story where He humbles himself to wash the feet of his apostles before the traditional Passover meal. His gives the commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34).

Scripture: John 13:1-17, 31b-35

In the Gospel the event that happened in the upper room gathering of disciples  becomes so significant that  Jesus was symbolized as the new “lamb” which was “taken to slaughter” on Friday, fulfilling the Passover festival. This act also fulfills the promise of God’s deliverance.

How symbolic is it that Jesus commanded for us to love one another by  ritualizing the Washing of the feet of the disciples. It is humbling that the Son of God offers the services which was usually reserved for the household servants.  Jesus embraced the role and  emphasized the commandment he gave that night.  What similar roles have you performed?  What humbling events changed your life?

Journal Reflection
As you reflect today, you must remember that you are God’s beautiful creation sent by Him to this life. If you were to closely introspect, what kind of life are you living? Are you of service to anyone who needs you or are you a master who is served by everyone? Remember, you are no greater than God, the One who sent you. The One who sent you loves you unconditionally  more than you’ll  ever know.  In the passages, He even humbled Himself to even wash the feet of His disciples without being asked.  What things can you do to follow the commandment to “love one another?”

It is hard to love your enemies, but what you are doing is freeing yourself from the prison of unforgiveness.  You have to learn and live life  facing and following the commandment.  What can you do to truly forgive and love your enemy? As you write on your journal,  first thank God for the people who have been of service to you. Those people who have been Christ to you.  Then ask God to enlighten and guide your path  to those who need your love and service.

O God, you sent me in love and in love I will be of service to others. May I love others  unconditionally. Amen.