Holy Tuesday Meditation

Holy Tuesday
One of you will betray me.

Scripture: John  13:21-33, 36-38

Reclining at table with his disciples, Jesus was deeply troubled and testified,           “Amen, amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”  The disciples looked at one another, at a loss as to whom he meant.

As you reflect today, pray in thanksgiving  every one who has been beside you through your trials and successes. Who are they? Are they family? Relatives? Friends? Neighbors? Co-workers?

Journal Reflection
Thank God for the people and places who have crossed your path. What contribution  have then given to what you are today? Reflect on the times you have trusted someone and yet  have betrayed you. What happened? What was your reaction? Was there resolved feelings or everything is still hanging? Have  you forgiven yourself and the one who have hurt your feelings? What are the things that can be done to make you feel at peace with the situation?

Thank God for those who walk with you in this journey of faith and love.  Ask yourself these questions: What things can I do to feel at peace?  To what am I called this holy week?

With this it’s time to close your eyes and relax and  pray for forgiveness  of self and others.

O God, I ask for the healing of unwanted feelings of unworthiness and hurt. Open my heart and spirit to  forgiveness that I may find love and peace. Amen.