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Serene Scene

Serene Scene (Photo credit: Jennuine Captures)

Sometimes in life, we keep asking why certain things happen.  We have to see beyond what is given to us.  Ask ourselves of the essence of the NOW. Instead of resisting, calm yourself and go inside you and discover what brought you to this situation.  What is this episode in our life trying to teach us?    Sometimes we are   the ones affected, yes, but really, are we the ones who need to change? At times, we are instruments for people to change.  Through our challenges and trials in life, others learn and become better and more compassionate  and forgiving  people.

Everyday is a chance to start anew.  Everyday is a blessing.  No matter how lonesome and tiresome life could be.  There is  always  joy and peace and even friendship waiting for us.  If we  don’t  knock down the  fortress around us and reach out to others, we would not   feel love and inner peace.  Let go of  hurt,  anger, vengeance.  Let peace, love and kindness in and all will be worth  it.  It is never too late to feel the essence of  NOW. 


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