
Women Sublime’s 16,000 Milestone
Yay! My baby’s just reached the 16,000 milestone!! Thank you all so much for being here and joining me! I couldn’t have done it with out all of you!
Looking at the numbers now makes me teary-eyed. My dream before was to reach couple of hundred beautiful souls to inspire. I was always wondering if I did the right thing, starting a page like this.
I was hurt so bad emotionally that it all affected everything. My world stopped. I stopped functioning. I felt numb. I was drifting away… floating in the black depth of nothingness. I hit rock-bottom and I soon realized when you do that, the only other direction is up. We do things to ourselves we can’t imagine because of low self-esteem … because of distrust of ourselves …hate ourselves… because of simply just detaching from ourselves.
Through the couple of years, I have searched of ways to change myself. I escaped by playing online games and used a different name and assumed a persona. (I’ll tell you more about this in a different blog entry.) I realized I didn’t have to because I am unique and I just needed to present it for the world to see. Slowly, I found my way. Struggled to go to the paths other people told me to go to. I soon discovered, that road was not meant for me. Even if I walk to that well lit shortcut to an easy life, it didn’t feel good. Something was wrong… something was missing.
If you look into the mirror, we are still here. You are you and I am me and the only way to find out our value is to find it ourselves. No one can give it to you until you allow yourself to be. We deserve to live like royalty in our own right. We need to discover and find our sublime selves by making it happen. Stop hiding and show yourself. You will soon realize you are more than you ever imagined to be.
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Women Sublime is listed in The Wellness Universe under the categories of Business Support Services, Empowerment, Inspiration and Women.
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