Why is it so hard for us to forgive ourselves? We let others hurt us but we forego the fact that we are our own worse critics. We torture ourselves with every painful memory. We should accept that we are just human and we cannot perfect. We live in this world to enjoy our journey and learn from it.
Life is not all happiness and we know it but perhaps it is time for us to accept the fact that things change every so often and people too. Let us not hold on to what happened but live life full of hope to embrace every opportunity given us.
We have to forgive ourselves and let go of all the hurt. I know this is easier said than done. Hurt does not vanish overnight. Letting go is a process. Even if we go to each meditation and inner peace seminar and classes, if we still hold on to those ill-feelings towards ourselves, they are useless.
Be your own best friend. Love yourself and the world will love you back. If the world feels that you are genuinely happy, more promising and better opportunities open for you.
Related articles
- Forgiveness Is Our Daily Business (niecat.com)
- Asking for forgiveness (songwritingchallenge.wordpress.com)
- Art of forgiveness (farfromadullexistence.wordpress.com)
- 5 Ways to Forgive and Let Go (janessacamillereganit.wordpress.com)
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Very well said 🙂
I have nominate you for the Very Inspiring Bloggers Award. Your blog is very inspiring and I enjoy reading your work! http://richardacross.com/2013/07/16/very-inspiring-bloggers-award/
Keep shining! Keep sharing!
Hi Richard! I went for a short break from WP to energize my thoughts! Really? You have nominated me few months ago. Is it Ok that I write about it again?
Welcome back!
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