Personal sharing and Reflection: Set boundaries
Sometimes I get so tired of helping people. My priority of course is myself and my son. I have learned to meet our needs first before others. In the past, I have helped others to the point that we were the ones who didn’t benefit from what ever help I was extending. I realized, that’s not the point. Help or compassion is freely given. It comes from the heart.
Now, it’s just a matter of how you put boundaries so people would get the message that you help because you want to and that you are not a push over. No one wants to be walked on. Some people misinterpret what I say or do. For them I come on too strong but really? Who will help me except for me? People often think it is your responsibility as a family or friend to be responsible for them. That’s wrong way of thinking. We are responsible for our selves and it’s just a bonus when people go out of their way to help us. Set boundaries.Voice your opinion.
People will really try your patience and even your goodness at times. They would even test your limits or even bully you into doing things you are not comfortable doing. If this is so , why do you let them?
I tell my son if you want something done, say it. It is not rude on your part to say what you feel. Nowadays, with the changing times, people should be more open to what other people feel. It’s best that they know what you like and don’t like that your feeling stressed out because something you weren’t able to say is eating you up. Don’t let stress, worry and anger consume you. Let life work for you. Stop being scared. Set boundaries.
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Indeed, setting boundaries is important. Just as personally honoring them as well as requiring others to is. Nicely shared. 🙂
Thanks Eric! 🙂