
It serves as a symbolic way of thanking the LORD for a blessed life. It’s good to smile at noon.
It brings renewed hope for the rest of the day and
It’s good to smile in the evening knowing that the LORD sustained you, loved you, provided for you & used you for His kingdom work.
”Life is better when you’re happy… But life is best when other people are happy because of you.” ~Unknown~
Greet each day with a smile. Whatever point you are in your life. It is always good to appreciate and be grateful. Life is a blessing. It is a chance to do something new everyday. God created second chances because we do not deserve pain and sadness. He can’t dictate to us what we have to do since He created us with free will. All we have to do is create, re-create and LISTEN and FEEL that our decision is good for us and for others.May you all find peace and create the life you deserve. If we are given power to change our life, might as well make it the best life possible filled with joy, peace, love, faith, optimism, compassion and appreciation.
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Women Sublime is listed in The Wellness Universe under the categories of Business Support Services, Empowerment, Inspiration and Women.
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