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I have started to let go of  things that hurt me  for some time now.  I have detached myself from people who do not serve me good.  In ways that make me sad, angry, or diminished.  

I do not need that now.  I want to free myself from all those  negative thoughts and feelings.  I really do not care if people think of me as a snob or other things.  I have learned that what is important is myself and my well-being.  Well-being isn’t only in the body but  also in mind and spirit.   We have to realize that we can only live once.  We have to enjoy  life and not think of what others would say.  Surround yourself with people who would make you feel good even  with what little you have.  Do not force yourself to stay with people who have insatiable hunger for everything.  Those people are never happy with what they have.  If you stay with them, you too will never be happy and would always keep searching for happiness which you already have in the first place.